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Course Selection Process and Guidelines

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To complete the course registration with respect to the student’s major, under the guidance of the advisor.
Course Selection Schedule
Twice during the school year:  The 4th week of the first semester when school begins and the 1st week of the 2nd semester.  Prior notice of specific times will be given. 
Course Selection Process
1.      Advisors and students should follow the school’s “lesson plan” and “curriculum” (issued        separately) and with the assistance from the advisor, the students should complete their course    selection.
2.         Students kindly follow the advisor’s guidance to select the course content; Course registration is       on the PKU Shenzhen Graduate School website; (Please refer to the “New Students Manual” or      visit the website
3.      After completion of online course registration, fill out the course selection sheet (enclosed attachments per semester), signed by the student and advisor.  For the off-campus advisors,           please have the students paste the contents on the webpage onto the email to confirm.  Don          not use the attachment.  The advisor will send the confirmation reply to the administration staff.      Note:  To prevent system failure, please check to make sure the          students exit, enrollment was   successful. 
4.    After the online course registration system has opened for one week, it will be closed.
5.      On the second day of the closing of the course registration system, students should submit the          course registration form to the Provost’s Office in A-303 to be put on record.
6.      The electronic version of the course registration form can be printed out, or you can also fill out the form using pen or pencil.  No corrections!
7.      For all the elective courses between the 2nd and 3rd scheduled class, students are allowed to         withdraw/change courses under the guidance of their advisor.  Student will have to fill out a      withdrawal/change form and have it signed by their advisor (email confirmation for off-campus       advisors).  Then, submit it to the Provost’s Office for it to be filed on record.
8.      For the 2nd and 3rd year students who need to re-register, please follow the course enrollment    procedure as the 1st year students.  However, the course content should be based on enrollment         “training program”.
Other:  Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School of IAS Registry received notice of this term, where non-payment of tuition fees cannot be always online course
Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering
Provost’s Office
2007. November. 6th