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Faculty Positions at School of Electronic and Computer Engineering,PKUSZ

time:2022-06-01 10:06autor:click:


The School of Electronic and Computer Engineering (SECE) was founded in 2002, and it is the earliest school in PKUSZ. SECE inherits the academic traditions of Peking University and takes the advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, explores the new school-running mode that integrates education, academia research and industry.

The famous computer scientist, Prof. Fuqing Yang (member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) presided over the establishment of SECE, and acted as the first dean of SECE. A famous microelectronics scientist, Prof. Yangyuan Wang (member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) is the director of the academic committee of SECE.

SECE devotes to the post graduate education in electronics and computation. SECE has about 100 faculty and staff members and more than 500 master and PhD students. More than 2000 graduates are playing active roles in industry and academia.

SECE has two disciplines: "Computer Science and Engineering" and "Electronic Science and Technology", and is promoting the new cross disciplines, "Integrated Circuit Science and Engineering" and "Artificial Intelligence".

The information science is the key development discipline for the Shenzhen campus of Peking University, according to the consensus of Peking University and the Shenzhen Government. SECE is steadily advancing towards the goal of a world-class information engineering college.

We sincerely invites excellent talents all over the world to join the SECE of Peking University.


Tenure-track:Assistant/Associate Professor,15

Tenured:Associate /Full Professor,10

These positions are permanent and run until they are full.


1. Full-time teaching;

2. Supervise research students;

3. Scientific research in the subject area.


1. Integrated Circuit;

2. Micro and Nano Electronic Devices;

3. Photoelectric and Display;

4. Intelligent Hardware;

5. Multimedia Information Processing;

6. Artificial Intelligence;

7. Robots;

8. Future network system, network security;

9. Other research field of microelectronics or computer science.


1. The applicant holds a doctoral degree in Electronic Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering or related disciplines;

2. The applicant has strong research background in the field of electronics or computer science; the applicant with Postdoctoral or overseas study experience is preferred;

3. The ability to guide research students independently and undertake teaching tasks for research students;

4. Enthusiastic about education and scientific research, have the quality and good professional ethics to engage in high-level education and teaching work.


Salary is highly competitive, and it is in accordance with applicants’ qualifications and experiences. In addition, the Shenzhen government provides a various subsidies for qualified professors.


Please submit your application package to :

1. Application letter(Please clarify your interested position and expected entry time).

2. Detailed resume (Including but not limited to teaching statements, research statements, etc., certificate of employment may be attached separately).

3. Copy of representative thesis.

4. Statement of the research plan.

5. Three reference letters (sent separately by letter writers).

6. Copy of academic qualification, degree certificate.

7. Other materials that can prove research capabilities

To get more information about the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, please visit the website: http: