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JIN Yufeng

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In 1999, he graduated from Southeast University majoring in physical electronics and optoelectronic technology, Ph.D., professor, director of the State Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Processing Technology, and vice president of the Institute of Microelectronics. He has successively engaged in the research of optoelectronics, microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems in the 55 Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics, Peking University, Singapore Manufacturing Technology Research Institute and other units. He has presided over and participated in a number of national key scientific and technological research projects, the national 863 project and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, especially since 2000, he has been engaged in the research of MEMS devices, integration and packaging. From 2001 to 2004, he was a visiting researcher at SIMTech in Singapore to conduct international cooperation research on MEMS integration packaging and application. In 2007, he conducted a short-term 3D integrated circuit visiting research work at ASTRI in Hong Kong. He has won the first prize of the National Advanced Individual in Science and Technology Research and the First Prize of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award. Obtained three invention patents; He has published one monograph, published more than 60 academic papers, and searched more than 20 papers by SCI/EI