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WANG Ronggang

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Wang Ronggang, professor and doctoral supervisor of Peking University, was selected into the National Science and Technology Innovation Leading Talents Program. His research direction is multimedia information processing technology, with emphasis on virtual reality video intelligent generation, efficient coding and interactive rendering technology. Undertook the key RESEARCH and development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 863 Program, national Natural Science Foundation of China and other scientific research tasks; More than 200 papers have been published in important international journals and conferences, and more than 100 patents have been granted. He is one of the main technical contributors to China's National UHD Video coding standard, leading the development of IEEE Immersion video coding standard and ISO/IEC MPEG Internet video coding standard. Led the research and development of real-time uHD video codec kernel, and made key technical contributions to the opening of China's first UHD channel; He led the research and development of the first set of interactive free-view viewing system, which was applied to the public signal production of the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympics and was selected into the Heritage list of the Scientific Winter Olympics. As IEEE 1857.9: Immersive Visual Content Coding Standard Team Leader, VR Team Leader, China Audio and Video Coding Standard Working Group (AVS) Member, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society(CASS) Visual Signal Processing and Communication Technical Committee. He has won the first prize of National Technology Invention, the Special Prize of Technology Invention of China Electronics Society, the first prize of Shenzhen Technology Invention, IEEE Standard Outstanding Contribution Award and AVS Standard Contribution Award.