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ZHANG Shengdong

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ZHANG Shengdong, professor, doctoral supervisor. He received his doctor of Science degree from The Department of Microelectronics, Peking University, master of Engineering degree and Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Southeast University. His doctoral dissertation won the National Excellent Doctoral dissertation award. Since 1984, he has been engaged in research and development work for more than ten years in several large research institutes at home and abroad, such as 625 Institute of the former Ministry of Aviation, 55 Institute of the former Ministry of Electronics and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In August 2002, he joined the Department of Microelectronics, School of Information Science and Technology, Peking University. He is currently the Executive Dean of School of Information Engineering, Peking University. His research interests include Nano-scale integrated circuit devices, thin film transistor (TFT) devices and circuits, TFT LCD display and flexible display, etc.