
    必威betway西汉姆联深圳研究生院必威betway西汉姆联ADSP实验室邹月娴教授带领实验室14级学生陈锦和王毅,参加了著名而具有悠久历史的第二十届DSP2015国际会议(The 2015 20th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing)。 大会由Imperial College, London发起,IEEE Circuits and Systems Society新加坡分会组织,于2015年7月21日到24日在南洋理工大学召开。邹老师和两位学生分别在会议上做了口头学术报告:邹月娴教授宣讲了论文“Blind Timing Skew Estimation Based on Spectra Sparsity and All Phase FFT for Time-Interleaved ADCs”,“Two Stages Signal Strength Difference Localization Algorithm using SDP Relaxation”,和“Classifying Digestive Organs in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network”,陈锦宣讲了论文“An Adaptive Redundant Image Elimination for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Review Based on Temporal Correlation and Color-Texture Feature Similarity”,王毅宣讲了论文 “Single Image Super Resolution via Adaptive Dictionary Pair Learning for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Image”。
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